GRZ Salary Advance

These are tailored made for individuals in the Government Sector. You can apply to get as low as K200 to K10,000 and pay it back up to 6 months.

Zambia Army Salary Advance

This is a short term Zambia Army Salary Advance from as low as K200 to K15,000 and pay it back up to 6 months.

Zambia Air Force Salary Advance

This is a short term Zambia Air Force Salary Advance from as low as K200 to K15,000 and pay it back up to 6 months.

Device & Solar Financing

This helps customers to buy the devices or solar panels of their choice at Zero Deposit. Instead of making a one-time hefty down payment, customers can apply for device and solar panel finance and pay off in monthly instalments from 1 to 6 months.

Cash Advances

These are the most affordable and convenient to meet your urgent cash needs. Cash advances go up to K10,000.

Personal Loans

Personal loans can help you cover large expenses. You can buy assets, finance your education or home improvement with a Personal Loan of up to K100,000 up to 60 months.

Car for Cash Loans

This product is offered to individuals who have a car registered in their name, which is to be used as collateral. Maximum amount is K100,000.